Dear sisters in arms - today I am writing you from Stormbuff Islands. You might wonder what I am doing there, since this zone is still way above my skill level, but you may have guessed it: as an envoy of the Order I don't question their reasons.
Tybalt and me had to smuggle minister Caudecus' daughter Demmi through Lion's Arch and take her to this very place here - and to security in our head quarters. Demmi is save now - something the poor souls that tried to hinder us can't claim.
As for my performance: I have been promoted to full agent!! Once I'm back there will be a huge party and lots of champagne! We need to celebrate!
My next job will take me to deal with Hyleks. Frogs, honestly!
                                                                                                                                         the Marquise

The Marquise being promoted to full agent
In the Order's headquarters
Trouble in the Catacombs! Eir Stegalkin, Norn member of Destiny's Edge, apparently stirred up the ghost of the last ascalonian king.
The Marquise and her friends and guild mates Desmond Fancy, Xvar, Menon and Elderiela were asked to help.

And help they did!

Yes, there are ghosts in Ascalon!
You don't know who I am?
He started out as a corpse, now he is a corpse again
Looks dead - let's kill him again!
I am the reaper !
Done! Good job, guys. The Marquise is proud of you.