Imagine the Marquise's surprise! She was practicing some seductive movements to impress Ihan with her quite revealing outfit when all of a sudden someone left a parcel on her doorstep.
Oh the curiosity - what could it be? Roses? Skulls? Her very own stylish tombsone?
Not quite - but a whole new shiny set of weapons of rare yellow quality. A staff, a scepter and a dagger to bring even more de Saster to Tyria. Splendid!

But who was the generous giver? Could it be ... ?  A secret admirer, exciting !!!

Staff: Ravaging Bandit Spire of the Geomancer
Scepter: Ravaging Bandit Baton of Luck // Dagger: Ravaging Bandit Shiv of Doom
You are beautiful, no matter what they say ...
Oh yes, they are. The Marquise got some transmuted Winged items (helm, chest, legs) plus Masquerade boots and Nymeria finally dinged level 25 and could equip the gear from the Mystic Forge that makes her look exactly the amazon she is.

Marquise at level 35
Nymeria at level 25
Fighting the Champion Cave Troll
There was not much left to do for the Marquise in Gendarran Fields, but she had her mind set on two things: 1) finishing the zone that very day and 2) reaching level 33. She had got herself some new beautiful garb to impress Ihan and was keen to be able to don it.
Thus she wrestled with Champion Cave Trolls, fought in pits in the mountains and by chance stumbled across the "Povenic Crypt" - a ghastly place with traps and a champion spider. AND a chest in the end. Worth the hassle.

Fire traps in Povenic Crypt
A place to die for
Nymeria apparently has a knack for business:
She started off six days ago, having all but 5 silver coins, and today her accountant told her she had more than 3 gold !
The jute and wool business have performed extremely well.

About time to treat herself to a shopping tour! And look what she got herself: a full green 'Mighty Magician' set dyed in 'pastel lemon' and 'mint breeze'.

But don't make the mistake of taking her for a trader only, she is quite efficient at conjuring elements:

Despite being a proficient ranger, Taari still sets a lot of store by her appearance.

Whenever she visits Hoelbrak she dons her town clothes, which look pretty enough, but her studded coat / legs / gloves and shoes definitely would not do.
The Khal's eyes must not be offended by such garb.

Taari thus contacted Nymeria, asking her for something more becoming to the eye.

Nymearia gladly obliged and provided Taari with a Seeker set.